The Meaning of Linkedin
It seems like everyday I receive LinkedIn request from people that I don’t even know. Don’t they understand the meaning of LinkedIn?
I do have to admit, when I first registered for LinkedIn, I was trying to request everyone and their brother to connect with me. I just thought it was about getting to the all mighty 500+ number on my profile.
It didn’t really register with me until a friend of mine messaged me and said, “I see that you are connected with the President of XYZ Industries. Can you please call him and let him know I submitted my resume for the National Sales Director position, and you highly recommend me.”
How stupid did I feel replying to his message by saying, “Sorry, I don’t even know the guy, we are somehow just connected on LinkedIn.”
It was at that point that I realized that LinkedIn was created to help people connect with others through personal or business relationships. So I combed through my LinkedIn contacts and realized of my 500+ connections, I only had 184 true connections that I could call and have a personal conversation with.
When I reflect on the 184 contacts, I realized that these are all solid connections should I ever need anything. So, my challenge to everyone is, if you can’t pick up the phone and have a personal conversation with one of your LinkedIn contacts, you probably should remove them from your connections!
Until Next Time,
The Creative Chemist!
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